While rumors abounded over who would replace Steve Carell on NBC’s hit comedy “The Office,” produced by Ben Silverman, the network confirmed yesterday that James Spader will have a permanent role on the mockumentary as the CEO of Dunder-Mifflin paper company. Spader, who guest starred in a few episodes last season, will return as Robert California, the devious applicant who incensed office-weirdo Dwight Schrute and interviewed for Michael Scott’s job in the season finale.
Contrary to previous information, Spader will not replace Steve Carell, but will in fact replace Kathy Bates’ character, as the actress is leaving “The Office” to focus on “Harry’s Law,” where she plays the lead. This still leaves Carell’s manager position open, and NBC has yet to announce who will permanently take over the role.
In the eighth season, it is said that California, Spader’s character, will receive the position of manager of Dunder-Mifflin’s Scranton branch, Michael Scott’s old position. Within hours, though, he will be promoted to CEO of Sabre, Dunder-Mifflin’s parent company, and leave the manager position open once again.
Ben Silverman and the show’s other producers will not say whom they’ve chosen to replace Carell, who left the show to focus on his movie career.