Ben Silverman was mentioned in a recent Sun Sentinel article about Lady Gaga’s latest venture as a monthly fashion columnist for V magazine. The pop star announced via Twitter that she will debut her column May 12th. That’s not all she’s up to, though. Gaga has also started something she calls “The Masterpiece,” a project related to her Viva Glam campaign with MAC Cosmetics. Fans submit photos of themselves and Gaga will use them as part of her next costume, “The Masterpiece.” Not one to stray from outlandish outfits, we're sure Gaga will go all out with her latest project.
Gaga isn’t the only one going gaga over fashion, however. The article also mentions fashion reality shows such as “Project Runway” and “The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection.” And who can forget the recent announcement of Ben Silverman’s “Fashion Star,” the reality show that NBC will air. Elle Macpherson will host the show, which will follow aspiring designers though ten episodes as they compete to win their own fashion line.
Read Rod Stafford Hagwood’s full article at the Sun Sentinel here.